
Problem with Fink after the system upgraded to mac Lion

苹果最新一代操作系统为OS X 10.7,代号“Lion”,2011年7月20日首发,上一代操作系统代号“Snow Leopard”(雪豹)。在Snow Leopard 下安装的软件Fink自从系统升级后便不能使用,也无法升级,查看Fink官方说明,解决办法很无奈,只能选择重新安装Fink,并且如果想使用原来的目录(/sw),在重装前还需删除该目录。如果你打算升级系统,可以按照建议,在升级前先对以前下载安装的包进行列表备份,待系统升级及重装fink后再执行恢复命令,一次性恢复安装所有已备份软件包(恢复过程中可能有部分软件包因不支持10.7系统而安装不上)。

First, the fink program itself will not run on a system which has been upgraded to Lion, so it is not possible currently to update a Fink installation in place.However, is possible to use the dpkg program to extract a list of the Fink packages which are current installed so that they can be reinstalled under 10.7. Use
dpkg --get-selections | cut -f1 > fink_packages.txt #系统升级前 
before updating to 10.7 to dump the package names to a text file, and
cat fink_packages.txt | xargs fink install #重装Fink后 
once you have installed Fink on 10.7. 
To upgrade Fink after upgrading to Lion, one will have to bootstrap Fink again, using a tarball for fink-0.31.0 or later. If you want to use the same directory (e.g. /sw) for Fink that you were using on 10.6, you'll need to remove that before bootstrapping, since the bootstrap doesn't allow you to overwrite an existing Fink tree.
Second, due to lots of changes under the hood, there currently are many fewer Fink packages which build under 10.7 as opposed to 10.6. Thus, even if you've extracted a list of Fink packages which had been installed under 10.6, some of them may not yet be installable under 10.7. We are currently creating a database showing which packages can be successfully installed under 10.7, and work is ongoing to add packages.
10.7 introduces several drastic changes to how the system works. While this may cause a slight delay in full Fink functionality in the short term, it will make Fink work better in the future.
